Janitza ISO 50001 Certified by TÜV!


Janitza ISO 50001 Certified by TÜV!
Image 1: DIN EN ISO 50001 certificate
Image 1: DIN EN ISO 50001 certificate

Janitza electronics GmbH, manufacturer of power quality monitoring and energy management systems, digital integrated measurement devices, reactive power controllers and power factor correction systems has made a significant step towards systematic energy management. As a result of the successful introduction of an energy management system (EnMS) the company was presented with the DIN EN ISO 50001 certificate from TÜV Süd in June 2013. 

Within the scope of an intensive monitoring process all of the processes and activities upon which the energy management system is based were investigated with respect to their effectiveness. Through the structured and systematic introduction of this precautionary measure, Janitza can be confirmed and certificated as having economically efficient and sustainable dealings with the energy employed and the resources utilised. All measures are formulated and fixed in the business strategy. 

The responsible usage of energy and resources is an intrinsic part of a sustainably economical company nowadays. If companies wish to manufacture economically then they must rethink their production and organisational processes with respect to energy efficiency measures. The modern approaches of an energy management system offer great potential here. Janitza would like to function as a pioneer with their certification and prove how effective their own complete solutions can be for an energy management system based on DIN EN ISO 50001.

Image 2: Janitza product range UMG 511, UMG 96RM, ProData® 2, UMG 605, UMG 103 and GridVis visualisation software
Image 2: Janitza product range UMG 511, UMG 96RM, ProData® 2, UMG 605, UMG 103 and GridVis visualisation software

The general objective of the globally applicable DIN EN ISO 50001 standard is to support companies in the introduction of systems and processes in order to improve their energy efficiency. In doing so an EnMS helps to determine an organisation's energy situation, to define the energy policy of a company based on concrete data and ultimately to save energy. A critical component in an energy management system is an effective and closed control loop for energy monitoring with the four elements: Data acquisition, energy analysis, measures for energy efficiency and monitoring. 

A high degree of supply reliability as well as clear transparency of the energy supply should form today's basis for the functioning of an EnMS of tomorrow. For a successful implementation, investment must be made in intelligent and energy efficient technologies and the existing network structure must be hardened. Only through the system optimised network, feed and consumer control can an improved insight into information for all players in the energy system be achieved. 

Janitza electronics GmbH manufactures such a diversity of measurement devices for this rapidly growing market sector that a suitable instrument can be found for almost any customer wish. 

Digital measurement instruments open up unlimited opportunities in energy management. The knowledge of the power quality, the consumption and the load profiles in electrical networks is becoming increasingly important today. Regardless of whether industry, banking, hospitals or other special consumers of electrical energy, the keyword for all is "transparency". Rising energy prices are reason enough to know the specific consumption of machines and systems.

In many areas however the operating efficiency of the electrical equipment is also dependent on the power supply and power quality remaining constant. 

One of the basic prerequisites for the implementation of the energy policy is that the distribution network is equipped with intelligent technology. Often efficiency potential is found initially in the combination of new technologies and the associated communication infrastructure. 

With the intelligent measurement systems as well as the network visualisation software from Janitza, there is nothing standing in the way of an efficient energy management system. Optimum checking and control of energy consumption (electrical power, water, gas, steam), CO2 emissions and energy cost will be defined within the course of an EnMS. In accordance with the DIN EN ISO 50001 standard, corresponding framework conditions for an operational EnMS are established, in order to continuously reduce the energy consumption and the associated energy costs. The control and monitoring are implemented via bidirectional communications directly on-site on a computer or via smartphone/tablet. Furthermore, a connection and disconnection of the consumers will also be possible. Thus an intelligent bridge can be formed to building services technology for consumer information and load management.

Image 3: Janitza company building
Image 3: Janitza company building

"Sustainable and responsible management today will secure our future tomorrow. We help companies to measure and analyse energy flows in order to derive and develop measures to effectively reduce the energy consumption and increase productivity. With the certification we have set a milestone and can show our customers that we have our finger on the pulse with our – Made in Germany – technology," announces Mr Markus Janitza (Managing Director) with pride. 

Through the introduction of an EnMS the energy consumption can be systematically, economically and ecologically reduced to up to 30 %. This results in a high potential for preserving network stability and additionally guarantees efficient network operation.


Stefanie Hollingshaus Pressekontakt Marketingkommunikation +49 6441 9642-539 () +49 6441 9642-30 ()