
Cloud solution for energy management



In a manufacturing plant or an office building, the energy data can be collected via Intranet and documented and evaluated in the building. This kind of organisation is not readily transferable to companies with a decentralised structure such as multiple shops or chains, etc. Janitza developed the Energy-Portal for this exact situation. It can be used to capture, evaluate and visualise energy data from various locations. Neither IT infrastructure nor costly software is required for this; a suitable Janitza UMG measuring device (UMG 604, UMG 605, UMG 508, UMG 511, UMG 512) and an internet connection are sufficient. It is just as easy to visualise the data anywhere in the world in a browser on a PC, tablet or smartphone, without requiring special software. 

A piece of software known as App Push Service only has to be installed on the UMG measuring device. After this is installed, the measured values that are to be sent can be selected on the measuring device homepage. The App transfers the measured data automatically to the "" hosting server in cycles. A standard account can consist of up to 50 measuring devices, each with a maximum of 25 measured values. The account contains server and memory capacities, computing capacity (IaaS), database, data backup and the visualisation software (SaS). HTTPS encryption and a daily backup ensure maximum data security. Solutions with a greater number of measuring devices and more measuring data are available for corporate clients. 

The portal is extremely intuitive and therefore suitable for users without a technical background. Visualisation software provides a user interface that the customer can customise using drag and drop and can save as a dashboard. Up to 100 dashboards are possible per account.

Stefanie Hollingshaus Pressekontakt Marketingkommunikation +49 6441 9642-539 () +49 6441 9642-30 ()